Happiness is a subjective feeling about one's state of being and satisfaction with one's daily life. 幸福是对自己生命状态及日常生活满意程度的一种主观感觉。
Therefore, it is necessary to deeply analyze criminal's subjective state and social environment for searching re-criminal reasons and building relevant defending systems in order to reduce and prevent re-criminal phenomenon basically. 因此,有必要对犯罪个体的主观状态和社会环境进行深入分析,探求其重新犯罪的原因,构建相应的预防应对体系,以期减少并预防刑满释放人员和解除劳教人员重新犯罪。
When the subjective probabilities of natural state are changed, the possibility that a certain action become the optimal action is analyzed and the range of subjective probabilities that made the action the optimal action, if possible, was presented. 具体针对当自然状态的主观概率发生变化时,分析了某个行动成为最优行动的可能性,并给出了保证该行动成为最优行动(如果可能的话)的主观概率的变化范围。
Sartre makes the consciousness return to the state of ex-introspection, reveals the people's real living condition and reflects their subjective state of mind by means of phenomenology, which makes his aesthetics flash with sense. 萨特将意识还原到前反思的状态,运用现象学方法揭示人的现实生存境遇,反映人的主观心理状况,使他的美学处处闪耀着感性的光芒。
On the Subjective Role of Non-state Investment in Development of the West China 论非国有投资在西部大开发中的主体地位
In the subjective respect, analyze the subjective fault state of the criminal, and explain the feasibility and necessity of enforcing rigorous responsibility suitably in ecological crime. 在主观方面,分析了犯罪行为人的主观过错状态,并阐述了生态犯罪适用严格责任的可行性和必要性。
Normally, APR is defined by due process in Common Law system, and in the Civil Law system by subjective state of mind ( usually by good faith). 一般而言,普通法系的国家常以客观的正当程序作为界定APR的标准,大陆法系则更重视以主观状态(常利用诚实信用原则)来衡量一个是否属于APR。
Since translation evaluation has long been in a do-it-yourself and subjective state, there is no unified assessment approach. 本文首先研究了翻译评估的性质特点,提出了进行客观的翻译评估的前提条件,并且指出客观的译文评估是可以实现的。
Compound guilty mind is an exploration of the traditional theory of criminal subjective state. 复合罪过是对传统的犯罪主观心理状态理论的一个新的探索。
Spirit of science is mankind in the long and arduous process of scientific exploration is gradually formed, and continue up a subjective state of mind. 科学精神是人类在漫长而艰巨的科学研究探索过程中逐渐形成并不断发展起来的一种主观精神状态。
The elements of the subjective aspect of crime is the subject of crime in the commission of a crime, subjective mental state. 犯罪主观方面要件是指犯罪主体在实施犯罪时,主观方面的心理状态。
Safety attitudes of a patient usually involve such a subjective attitude as safety state of mind, that is the psychological status of the patient during a clinical treatment. 患者的安全属性主要是为安全心态这一主观属性,即是患者在针刺临床治疗中的心理状态等。
Which needs to follow different behavior and subjective state of mind to distinguish, even in different places, the qualitative to behavior is crucial. 这其中需要按照不同的行为和不同的主观心态区别对待,甚至在不同场所下,对行为的定性都有至关重要的影响。
Civil servants perform their duties according to the subjective state of mind is different from the subjective into the illegal and improper no-fault behavior of the results of processing functions and subjective fault of duties by the illegal and improper handling of the results of two categories. 根据公务员执行职务的主观心理状态不同,分为主观无过错的违法和不当职务行为的处理结果和主观有过错的违法和不当职务行为的处理结果两类。
Endorsement celebrity adduce evidence to prove the subjective state of endorsements of the most reasonable, not only effectively protect the legitimate interests of consumers vulnerable groups, but also facilitated the endorsement celebrity review of advertising truthfulness and legality of the consciousness and enthusiasm. 让代言名人举证证明自己在广告代言时的主观状态最具合理性,既有效保护了消费者这个弱势群体的合法利益,又促进了代言名人审查广告真实性、合法性、自觉性和积极性。
In the personal information infringement cases, the infringer must bear the responsibility of the property based on the infringement and violations of human subjective state of two aspects of the type of personal information to a specific investigation. 在个人信息侵权案件中,侵权人财产型责任的承担要对侵权人主观状态和侵犯的个人信息类型两个方面加以具体考察。
In the subjective, the subjective state of mind is discussed. 在主观方面,对注册会计师犯提供虚假证明文件罪时主观心态进行了探讨。
In this part we analyse the factor which influence the nation compensates of administrative omission: subjective state of mind, objective act, the possibility of predicting the danger and the possibility of avert. 第四部分行政不作为国家赔偿责任的确定该部分主要分析了影响国家赔偿责任大小的因素,即主观思想状态、客观行为以及对危险的可预见性和阻止可能性。
The paper defines from empirical perspective that tourist experience can be described as the subjective mental state felt by tourists. 本文从实证主义的角度,认为旅游体验是旅游者参与旅游活动所形成的内在主观心理感受状态,旅游体验品质是指该心理感受的优越程度。
Hu Bin, drag racing case in terms of subjective or objective state of mind to analyze the dangerous means are not consistent with the crime of endangering public safety can not be dangerous driving charge. 胡斌飙车案无论从主观心态还是客观方面来分析都不符合以危险方法危害公共安全罪,也不能定危险驾驶罪。
This subjective emotional state will affect individual choice, decoding, and the collection of information on the situation. 这种主观的状态会影响个体选择、行为及对周围环境信息的收集。
This article holds that fault is a moral evaluation of the subjective state of mind impugned. 文章认为,过错是对侵权行为人主观心理状态应受非难的一种道德性评价。
When the subjective state of mind and behavior of the behavioral person in the case is complex in structure, this will cause the basic problems of crime number of fierce controversy. 当案件中行为人的主观心态和行为结构复杂时,就会引起对罪数的基本问题的激烈争议。
The second part on "consumption," defined as a consumer unit of knowledge, subjective state of mind of fraudulent identification and other aspects were discussed in detail the correct application of the" Consumer Protection Act," the conditions of Article 49. 第二部分则通过对生活消费的界定、单位的消费者身份认识、欺诈性主观心理状态的认定等多个方面,具体阐述了正确适用我国《消费者权益保护法》第49条的条件。
First discusses the general tort law of fault, the concept of think fault by subjective and objective compromise said, namely fault suitable for in subjective psychological state under the control of the obligation to the previous violation behavior. 首先论述了一般侵权法中对过错的概念,认为过错采用主客观折中说比较适宜,即过错为在主观的心里状态的支配下对先前的义务的违反的行为。
Moreover, the impact of the message of the disseminators, the subjective state of the receptors and the communication context on the receptors in cultural advertising is also explained. 同时分析了受者在进行文化想像时受传者信息、自身的主观状态以及传播情境的影响。
Therefore, I believe that the identification of the subjective state of mind of the perpetrator should be more accurate and detailed, the daily life of various social issues into the penalty should be more careful science. 因此,笔者认为,对于行为人主观心态的认定应当更为准确细致,对于日常生活中各种社会问题的入刑应当更为谨慎科学。
In the case of disregard litigation of corporate entity, the subjective state is not the object should be proved. 但在公司人格否认诉讼中,主观要件不是当然的证明对象。
Since different factors of each student such as their individual aptitude and living environment, and subjective effort. Their state of mental activity and behavior in the aforementioned upper areas will display a strong performance of the individuality. 由于每个学生先天素质和后天生活环境以及主观努力等因素的差异,他们在心理活动状态和行为表现等方面都会表现很强的个性化,即心理学说的个体差异性表现。